Honoring 15 years at our Nation’s Capital on the Int’l Day of the Girl

“You only are free when you realize you belong no place — you belong every place — no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great.” – Dr. Maya Angelou

Dear Fellow Warrior,

On Wednesday, Oct 11th, I celebrated an anniversary of my “marriage” to Washington, DC, our nation’s Capital.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I have always considered DC my “second home.”

However, I’ve never felt a sense of belonging or “home” anywhere really.

It was also the International Day of the Girl.

I made it to the city again, to give my salaam, after spending an entire day at a career fair.

I’ll update this post with my Medium blog post in a few days that goes into a little more detail about my reflections, some advice and lessons learned.

But here are a few short videos of my initial brief reflections on that day:

Honoring 15 years at our Nation’s Capital on the Int’l Day of the Girl – YouTube

Reflecting at the Reflecting Pool: Will You “Walk with Me” for Mental Health? – YouTube

I appreciate if you would give it a listen.

I intend to share a longer video where I want to talk about some of the lessons, I’ve learned over the 15 years.

It is indeed 15 years more or less. Every year I was able to be present in DC, I would come out there at the heart of the city, near the National Monument and reflect.

As I did on my ten year anniversary here: https://www.warrioretkqueen.com/10-years-reflections-on-a-decade-of-living-the-dream-in-americas-nations-capital/

{Please don’t mind the missing pictures. Always facing some technical issues on my websites!}

I have blogged about this moment a lot over the years.

Still channeling that little brown girl from Oshkosh, WI with big dreams of living, working, and studying at the Nation’s Capital.

Still “resisting and persisting,” as the Stoic Philosopher Epictetus once said.

If doors don’t open here, I’ll build it myself. And I am building.

Sometimes dreams can change, and sometimes they have to. Sometimes we can have many dreams. And it’s a matter of making the right choices.

I am indeed at the crossroads of my career, so I hope whatever I decide within this year, it will be a good choice. If not, I know as long as I am moving, in one way or another, I am doing okay. I am planting the seeds.

To all the little girls… to all the ambitious women… fighting to make a contribution in this world: Never give up. Don’t let anyone tell you can’t do something.

Indeed, my story is a story of the Underdog.

And I embrace the hell out of it.

We have to. We have to advocate for ourselves, promote ourselves. Because if we don’t, who will? If we have gifts and a message to share with the world, if we don’t share it, who will hear us?

It has to start from you.

It’s important to celebrate and honor your struggles and triumphs equally.

I know I’ll honor struggle always. And I think it’s all the more reason to keep fighting, keep moving, keep pushing…

As I look forward to be at a place to pay it forward to other little Elsa’s, little Warrior Queen’s out there one day.

Please Stay Resilient, Empowered, Connected!

Thank you giving my voice a chance!

Keep fighting for your dreams!

In Solidarity, Peace, Warmth, and Blessings,

Your Sister,

Dr. Elsa

Warrior KQueen

“She wasn’t looking for a Knight. She was looking for a Sword.” – Atticus

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