“Painting Heals” Gallery

This page will be updated periodically. Please do return for updates. Thank you for your patience!

“Painting Heals” will have its only landing page, as I am developing the ideas. (I will also update this description soon!) But here is a website for the initiative, “Painting Heals Pakistan” which was dedicated to Pakistan Flood Relief efforts in 2022. I have since expanded the initiative to include donations to other charities including relief efforts in other countries, alongside other charities. Soon I will return to this initiative, my goal is to gift and sell the paintings to charities periodically. Here, you can find the website for the original initiative: www.paintingheals.elsatkhwaja.com

Here is an article I shared on my professional blog about the initiative: https://www.elsatkhwaja.com/2023/08/05/blending-art-education-aid-climate-philanthropy-relief-efforts-in-pakistan/ 

Here is the Gallery of Paintings for Painting Heals:



Below are my other collections/series of paintings. 

They will be updated with previous paintings in each category.

Purple Skies : My collection of paintings on purple skies, serving as the symbol of hope and healing for the Warrior Queen.

Friendship with the Moon: Forthcoming series of paintings on the companionship between the Warrior Queen and the Moon.

Dot Mandala Art:  Forthcoming series of paintings using dotting techniques, paintings of the evil eye amulet, as mandalas and general dotting.

Abstract Art: Forthcoming series of paintings of all forms of abstract art, including landscape abstracts and general abstracts, applying various mediums and techniques, including acrylic pouring paint and more.