I am not a Great Writer…But…

“An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.” – Edwin Land

Dear Fellow Warrior,

May I take a moment to reintroduce myself to you? It may not be my only “reintroduction” this year. But certainly the first in 2024.

Well, my name is Elsa.

Sometimes I call myself by the title I earned a few years ago, Dr. Elsa, or Dr. Khwaja.

I am a writer, poet, social scientist, scholar, activist, painter, artist, and Warrior KQueen.

I am not a great writer, but I can say that I have been prolific, even if it is independent.

I am not a great poet, but I enjoy being confessional, addressing social and personal injustices, and learning to improve the art and craft of wordsmithing.

I am not a great social scientist, but I got my doctorate in public policy, specializing in advanced quantitative and qualitative social science research methods, “PhinisheD” an incredible doctoral project, have some published work, and a great deal of work in progress, with a strong determination to keep aiming to land an academic gig.

I am not a great painter or artist, but my art made a strong impact on many people’s lives and I am trying my best to continue producing art, and advancing my painting auctions for charity indefinitely.

I am not a great activist, but I try to “take it to the streets” whenever I see any social injustices, or be an advocate against social stigmas like that against mental health. And if I can’t, I become a “keyboard warrior.” 😉

I am not a great Warrior KQueen, but I keep striving for self-improvement, self-empowerment every opportunity I get, so I can be in a position to help and serve others.

I am not a great writer, poet, social scientist, painter, artist, activist, and Warrior KQueen, but at least I try.

In recent years, I finally started calling myself a writer, and today, I may not be great, but I fully embrace it. And all the different hats I wear.

It is really hard to do these things and try to be of service to others, when you are still trying to put an oxygen mask on yourself.

Resisting the “Evil Eyes.” In the process.

And I stay the course, trying, nonetheless.

Falling 7 times, getting up 8. As the Japanese proverb goes.

And doing it all without compromising my integrity and humanity.

Staying true to my authentic self.

I’ve done it and will keep doing it. Choosing authenticity over conformity.

Persist and resist.

Without being a coward.

Knowing that people will resent and hate me even when I have in my possession so much less than them.

Less beauty, less relationships, less intelligence, less charisma, less material wealth, less money, less friends, less publications, less everything.

All Because of my aura, resilience, and energy.

Because I am brave and courageous.

We need to be inspired by brave, ambitious women.

We need to surround ourselves with people who will fan our flames, as Rumi says. Not people who will harm us due to their own insecurities, and make it even harder for us to “change our stars” and help others do the same.

I wrote about Being Public with our Goals last April. It was important to read that again, referencing the 5 spaces I aim to nurture. This was an activity that Dr. Benjamin Hardy shared in his book, “Be Your Future Self Now,” and 30 day Future Course, which I took in Fall 2021 after finishing the PhD program. I am glad I wrote that post, as I continue to embrace the different elements of my identity and try to do the best I can in each.

I will always being trying to keep the oxygen mask on. So working on the self, will have to go hand in hand with building a sense of community this year.

Join us. Join us in being bold, brave, and courageous. In speaking our truth. In speaking truth to Power.

I never have to take the lead. I never had to.

I’ve been here and will continue to be here to elevate you, Fellow Warrior.

As I continue to put the “oxygen mask” on myself.

My name is Dr. Elsa, Warrior KQueen

You don’t have to call me Dr.

You don’t have to call me The Warrior KQueen.

But please don’t mind if sometimes I do.

Solidarity, Peace, Warmth, and Blessings,

Your sister, Dr. Elsa

Warrior KQueen

“She wasn’t looking for a Knight. She was looking for a Queen.” – Atticus

Please feel free to follow, share my work, and/or learn more about me on Medium here and on this Blog here. I also welcome feedback and discussion. Thank you for your support and wish you well on your writing and artistic journey!

DISCLOSURE: Views expressed in these posts are not affiliated with any organization. As described in this post, “In the effort to be transparent,” there are a few affiliate links in this post. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. While I may not endorse certain systems, I’m committed to suggesting reliable and safe products. In promoting items, I prioritize those connected to small businesses, especially those owned by women. Your trust is important, and I want you to know that I only recommend products I genuinely believe in. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission for qualifying purchases. In doing so, you support my independent writings, art, and other content. Thank you for supporting “The Chronicles of the Warrior KQueen.”

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