Dear Fellow Warrior,
I wrote this poem about a poem that I wrote about 2020. 🙂
There might be a moment where I share that poem as well. But here is the poem I wrote about it. 🙂
Here is a quote to inspire you in your courageous act of writing… It is the quote I came across that was another push for me to press submit on some of my pending posts:
“And by the way, everything in life is writeable if you have the outgoing guts to do it. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” – Sylvia Plath
Thank you for reading!
I wrote a poem on 2020
I wrote a poem on 2020…
In and about 2020…
it was in my head… in 2020…
so in 2021, one day, I woke up, and wrote it down…
and I found liberation.
just for a moment.
I was free.
I wrote on income wealth inequality…
I wrote on the starving minimum wage…
I wrote on the increase of maternal mortality among my black and brown sisters…
I wrote on Palestinian bloodshed…
I wrote on the murder and torture of our innocent Black and Brown brothers…
I wrote on Universal Healthcare…
I wrote about Choices.
That unspoken dangerous dichotomy of choice.
That nonsensical metaphor of the fork in the road.
I wrote.
I wrote on that R-word.
Dare I say that glorious R-Word.
I am not Remiss
the letter in the alphabet following “R” is “S”…
Dare I say the “S”-word.
the mother, the Queen of all S-words.
Maybe I can say the “S”-word.
No…it is not Sex.
No… it is not Suicide.
Apparently there are lots of “S”-words we dare not say.
but the one I am thinking of….
The one that doesn’t let me rest at night…
well, there is Silence.
and there is Shame.
or is there “Shame.”
and then “Silence?”
Chronology is a little unclear.
Why Shame?
Cause didn’t Gandhi say, “All that Scholarship would be in Vain…?”
but I think I should say the “R-word.”
because there is fear…
that may not be Real.
and I feel…
… it’s important at this point to Reveal..
Is it too soon?
Revelations allow for Reflections. no?
or are they just Ruminations…
So here it is:
the ultimate R-word.
The one that Radiates through our bodies…
and unites the clenched fists…
that word we dare not say…
without the capital to come our way..
Maybe I should whisper, so “they” don’t hear…
So here it goes…
I am going to say it.
Are you ready?
Here it is…
…I expected fireworks…
Oh and then there are the Sister R-words.
Sorry…. I don’t know about you…
but I’m dRooling now.
I wrote a poem on 2020.
and it was called “The Radical Brown “Damsel in Distress”.” 😉
You may never read it…..Because I may never share it…
But I still just needed you to know …
…in 2022…
… That I wrote a poem…
…about 2020…
…in 2021..
And gosh, it may have been a good poem.
Peace, Warmth, and Blessings,
Your sister,
Dr. Elsa
Warrior Queen
“She wasn’t looking for a Knight. She was looking for the Sword.” – Atticus
May 24, 2022 at 5:55 am
These poems are masterpieces laden with meaning and substance… a “droolworthy” read indeed
June 13, 2022 at 3:34 am
Wow Saeed. Thank you for reading and sharing your feedback