Speak, Speak, Speak up, America.
Speak NOW.
Speak Yesterday.
Speak Tomorrow.
Please don’t be afraid.
The choice of the vote and the choice of the words need not be the same.
Let not the fear of one system of oppression prevent us from fighting another system of oppression.
Honor your voice.
Honor your authentic truth.
The truth in your voice outweighs the truth in your vote.
Sing, scream, yell, march, write your story…
It’s not easy.
It’s supposed to be hard.
It’s supposed to hurt, burn, …. scar.
Don’t choose silence. And if you do, it’s okay.
But we must not silence those who choose speech.
Silence is no longer Sustainable.
The truth is simple.
We cannot “go back to brunch.”
We can no longer resume “business as usual.”
“Business as usual” will invite further outrage, dissent, rebellion.
“Business as usual” will invite a greater threat to our future than what we have endured.
The pain, the trauma, the suffering is not uniform.
The very recognition of this diversity is what will lead to the necessary reforms.
Please, America.
Let this be the last time we choose sexual predators for the Office of the Presidency. #MeToo
Let this be the last time we choose a President that does not reflect #BlackLivesMatter in POLICY.
Let this be the last time we choose a President that brushes off the deepening poverty.
Let this be the last time we choose a President that ignores the healthcare infrastructure deficiencies.
Let this be the last time we choose a President that ignores the science towards the necessary, immediate, and yes, RADICAL changes in climate change policies.
Let this be the last time we choose a President that serves wealthy donors over the PEOPLE.
Let not the desperate “cries for normalcy” supersede the desperate “cries for change” ….ever again.
Never Again, America.
Speak up, America. Speak Now. Speak Yesterday. Speak Tomorrow.
Let us never again fear “Speaking truth to Power.”
Peace, Love, Warmth, and Blessings,
Your sister,
Warrior Kqueen
“She wasn’t looking for a knight. She was looking for a sword.” – Atticus