The 2017 AFSP “Out of the Darkness” DC Community Walk


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Once again, in the third consecutive year, I am participating in The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) “Out of the Darkness” Community Walk, in Washington, DC.

Each year, there are over 40,000 people who die by suicide in the US. It is the  AFSP’s goal to reduce the annual suicide rate to 20 percent by 2025.

$20.25 could reduce the suicide rate by 20% by 2025.

According to the AFSP, the largest private funder for suicide prevention research: in most parts of the world, suicide claims more lives than war, murder, and natural disasters combined.

I’m walking in the Washington, DC Out of the Darkness Community Walk, because suicide is one of the leading causes of death, and yet suicide prevention doesn’t get anywhere near the funding given to other leading causes.

Image may contain: 1 person, tree and outdoor

Image may contain: one or more people, crowd, sky, tree, grass, cloud, outdoor and nature

I’ve learned from personal experience, and from resources like AFSP, that fighting suicide is about more than saving lives, it’s about CREATING A CULTURE that’s smart about mental health.

I am participating in the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s 11th Annual Community Walk in Washington DC, on October 28th, to raise awareness and support people who have suffered and are suffering with suicide and mental illness.

Even just a little bit counts. Even just giving 1 dollar could go a long way for showing your support.

There are other ways you can show your support. By sharing pieces of information, being informed, reading up on suicide/mental health/suicide prevention, being involved with activities such as this, and even simply just listening to others with the knowledge or personal experience share their stories, and in turn share yours as it relates to mental health and well-being.

Many terrible things are happening  around the world, Suicide remains a critical problem, and an important priority to address…

I hope you can take the time to read this post I wrote last week to get some of my perspective and thoughts on why:

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Thank you so much for your support.

To learn more, Go to

You can donate through the main site:

You can also donate through my fundraising page here.

Thank you.

May you be rewarded for your generosity and efforts to stop suicide and spread awareness about mental health and well-being.

Peace, warmth, and blessings,


Warrior KQueen

Image may contain: one or more people, shoes and outdoor

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