Happy International Women’s Day: A Message to My Sisters

“To tell a woman everything she cannot do is to tell her what she can.” –Spanish Proverb

We celebrated International Women’s Day today.  Happy International Women’s Day! 

Even to this day, in 2020,  around the world, the dignity of a woman continues to be undermined. We have come a long way, but we have a long way to go.

And as we honor the women and girls today, we must remember the role of boys and men in the ultimate goal for equality as well.

But for the moment, I wanted to take the opportunity to briefly address, at a localized/individual/personal level, what I believe to be (and what has always been) one of the crucial barriers to progress for women: Women. 

And I hope this can be just a simple reminder to myself first and foremost, and to all my sisters as well.  

Admittedly, I have developed a little more faith in the concept of “Sisterhood”, in a way I never had in the past. It has helped in recent years, meeting smart, elegant, intelligent, graceful, strong, articulate women, many who look like me, which is also very important, and many who have inspired and moved me. And also reflecting on those I’ve met in the past who share these characteristics.

These are fierce Warrior Queens who are a force for good, fighting for good, making important positive contributions to society

And equally, these are women who aspire to do just that…

I just think we can do so much better in being there for each other. I know we can do better in supporting one another… In celebrating our successes, and recognizing our struggles, in lending a helping hand, in having discussions and dialogue on critical challenges, differences, similarities, etc.

There is so much at face value and generally speaking that we demonstrate. But we mustn’t stop there. We need to remember there is always room for improvement in this critical journey as women, and there is definitely more that we can do for one another.

I appreciate the differences we have….. Differences in values, color, religion, culture, political preferences, etc.

And I understand the gravitation towards women that are more “like-minded,” of-course.  But even among those who match our values, can we really say that we do enough for each other? Do we extend our services, our helping hands, our listening ears, our hearts to each other, with open arms?

If you think so, than I am so happy to know that. And I think you should embrace and cherish what you have even more and let is grow.

Nevertheless, I believe it’s important we show greater support.  We should be each other’s cheerleaders. Sentiments like jealously, intimidation, envy and competition are ugly emotions that no one likes to talk about, but we must admit, they are human emotions, and they do exist. It is good to be aware of them, self-aware, and do our best to tame them, or counter them with more positive, beautiful, warm emotions, like compassion.

My hope is that this message comes out as a reminder to us all, as I mentioned earlier, first and foremost, myself…

On my part, I will make a greater effort to reach out, I will do everything I can possibly do, to be of service to my sisters, my dear fellow Warrior Queens, if I am ever needed.  My loyalty and my love is for you, always. 

I’ll be here, even if I have to stand on the sidelines, even if I have to stand in the back, I will be here, cheering for you. 

Peace, love, warmth, and blessings, 

Your sister, always, 


Warrior KQueen 

“She wasn’t looking for a knight. She was looking for a sword.” –Atticus 

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