Take a moment to compose yourself.
To apologize and forgive yourself.
For not being kind and gentle with yourself.
For not being compassionate to yourself.
For not taking care of yourself.
You deserve it. You need it.
It is important to show mercy for yourself from time to time. So take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror and say “I am sorry.”
Because sometimes you deserve better than what you think you deserve. And one way to be better to yourself is to recognize where you have not been good to yourself. But most importantly, to develop a sense of mercy you need to help drive you forward.
Sometimes how you treat and judge yourself can rub off on how you treat and judge others.
If you are able to forgive yourself, you can take steps to forgive others if they have transgressed. The kindness and compassion you show yourself can translate to how you engage with others. So start with yourself and start to please and seek approval from within and from no one else. And it will take you places…
I recommend writing a letter to yourself to help bring out the emotions…and make the forgiveness a little more real…
Here is my letter to myself:
Dear Elsa,
I write this letter to express my sincere apologies for how I have treated you all these years. Your struggle and your story motivates me to be better to you. You held yourself up no matter how I treated you over the years. I am very proud of you.
I know you have lost many of your precious years of life to my bullying. You experienced some miserable times during your teens and your 20s and that is my fault. I became your worst enemy. I bullied you and assaulted you. I convinced you of your unworthiness. I told you to hurt yourself and you listened to me a few times.
In the process, I have hurt others too. Your precious loved ones. You know that and you have felt the pain in the harm I have subjected to you and your loved ones too. I am the one to apologize to them, not you.
I make this vow to you today. I promise I will always be there for you. I will educate you and embrace you and help you cope through the struggles you will endure going forward. Most importantly, I will treat you with the compassion, softness, and kindness that you deserve. You are a Queen and deserve to be treated like one.
I want you to know how incredibly sorry I am.
Just please forgive me for hurting you. I love you and promise to never stop loving you.
With warmth and compassion,
Sincerely yours forever,
Now your turn.
Write your apology letter to yourself and vow that you will treat her/him like the Queen/King they are … from now on… You’ve earned it.
With peace and Love,
ETK, your Warrior Queen.