A Love Letter to the Buree Nazar (Evil Eyes)

Dear Fellow Warrior,

I had written this letter to the Buree Nazar, a few years ago, after I finished my PhD. I lost that poem, because it was handwritten somewhere on loose-leaf paper, unfortunately. I will share another article that explains what the “Buree Nazar” concept is in the near future, should you not be too familiar with it.

For the moment, I share this poem I re-wrote, remembering some of those words, as it continues to apply right now. I may improve this piece for a future publication. And I would like to paint another evil eye painting soon. The featured painting was among my first evil eye paintings I painted back in 2020 before completing my PhD. The painting at the bottom is a special one I painted in 2020 as well. I plan to make another version of that soon. Thank you for reading, and I would love to hear what you think.

A Love Letter to the Buree Nazar

My darling, dear Buree Nazar,
Are you the Fellow Warrior,
Or are you the evil eyes,
Waiting, yearning for my demise?

I wrote something for you, my love, not long ago,
Words I needed to say, yet cast astray.
I lost those unspoken words… somewhere.
But I didn’t lose you… so the verses endure.

You may believe I don’t know who you are,
But I want you to know….I know.
And I know your plan…
like I know the back of my hand.

Still, you are better than those who block, disengage, show apathy, indifference,
Yet your schemes remain transparent.
Clearer than the dawn…

I do wish you to stop.

Your malevolent glare, a blow… more lethal than a kill,
Gives life to the ancient superstitions.

You persist, in absolute truth.
It is why I paint, why I give gifts to you,
Why I share them with the world… so they know I can’t surrender to you.
This art becomes a fight against your harm.

But my dearest darling, why do you hide so cowardly in the shadows?
Reveal yourself, or go about your business.

I believe in you, my cherished one, my Buree Nazar.
I believe you can change, my beloved, my treasure…

When there is love…there is space for change…
Change your hurtful ways.
There is hope for you…You are here.

There is no hope for those who do not stay.

You stay.

So I hope that you will change.
Here… I stay, yet I have surrendered in one way.

I have raised the white flag for belonging and community.
Perhaps, I was always right. Perhaps I am invisible.
With your generous support.

I have nobody here. No one hears or sees me.

I have great premonition. I was always right.

I tried to be wrong. But I lost.

You achieved your desire.
You won. I have declared defeat.

You secured what you longed for.
Please, kindly stop this intrusion… Stop invading my space,
Lurking in the shadows, watching me, with your cold, unyielding gaze,
With those sharp relentless eyes filled with scorn and hate.

You may have won.

But I won’t stop existing, resisting, and persisting.
I wish you to stop, my darling.
I know you are waiting…
Waiting for me to pull the trigger.

But I cannot allow you to end me.
I won’t stop the fight.
You will not be the reason I dim my light.

You may claim your prize…

Yet, Out of the darkness, I will rise…
My beloved, darling evil eyes,
I gift you my art…

…I won’t gift you the honor of my demise.


Happy National Suicide Prevention Month.

Happy Suicide Prevention Week.

Solidarity, peace, warmth, and blessings,

Your sister, Dr. Elsa

Warrior KQueen

“She wasn’t looking for a Knight. She was looking for a Sword.” – Atticus

Thank you for reading and engaging!

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